Monday, July 25, 2005

Kansas to Arizona Trip, Mike and Sarah

Our next trip after the April 2005 trip was a summer trip to Lake Havasu, AZ in July of 2005.  NOT SMART.  Can't remember precisely but I'm pretty sure the temperature was 120+ (and it did not "cool off" at night) So after setting up our tent on gravel and desert weeds at the Crazy Horse Campground we attempted to sleep - it was WAY too hot to sleep, so we packed up and threw everything into our truck and headed north.  We ended up staying in a Quality Inn that night - we usually do not think of ourselves as wimps but going to Lake Havasu in July, in a tent, was just a little too much for us. The cool thing is we ended up driving to Glen Canyon National Recreation Area in Utah.  This turned out to be extremely enjoyable and probably much more relaxing then Havasu! So we lucked out!

 A 'self-photo' in front of the Lake Powell.
We were able to rent kayaks which we used to paddle around Lake Powell.  It was neat because there were tiny islands we could land on to swim off of or sun bathe on.  
On of our few actual photos taken using the waterproof camera feature.