Thursday, September 18, 2008

Santa Margarita 2008

In September of 2008 we headed to Santa Margarita for a weekend trip.  I don't have a lot of information on this, and we didn't take too many pictures.  But the biggest memory of this place was the beehive we apparently parked our camper on, which is most likely why we did not take too many photos.  When we were cooking dinner they were trying to get into our screened in tent.  One piece of chicken that we did not eat we through out to attract them away from our campsite, they swarmed it.  The next morning it was gone, leaving us to imagine the bees ate it, however, most likely it was eaten by a coyote or racoons, but we like to think the Killer Bees of Margarita ate it. 

"Mommy I really want to go outside"

"No sweetie, there are killer bees out there right now"

On our way back we spent some time in Santa Barbara

Here we are parked just outside the Santa Barbara Historical Museum.