Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Sequoia National Park

In August, 2010, Mike, Sarah, and Josephine drove to Sequoia National Park East of Visalia, CA in the southern Sierra Nevada Mountain Range.  The park was beautiful, scenic, and had historical significance.  The sites were large, well-kept, and had great bear lockers.  Really I have only great things to say about this amazing park.  Put it on your bucket list.
We took so many photos, I think it's best to tell this story in pictures.
Upon our arrival to the park, we decided to get out, stretch our legs, and make a beeline for the nearest photo op.

This looks like something a responsible parent would do.

Stretching legs, as promised.

Mike is tall, but this tree makes him look less tall.

We're really thrilled to be here.

Believe it or not, Josephine and I are actually at the base of the tree in this photo...

"Rock"ing this pose.  Get it.  Ha.  Ha.


We came, we saw, we bought the overpriced sweatshirt when it got colder than we expected.

A candid camper photo.

Me trying not to smile because we set the camera up on a timer, and then tried to make this look like a candid photo of the three of us.

This whole photo was just a mistake...

The happy campers.

Don't ever, ever, ever, ever...!  Leave your bear locker open unattended.

Tired hikers.

The obligatory looking up through the trees while the sun shines down photo.  Can anyone say "Thank God this camera has a built in light meter?"

The General Sherman tree is the largest tree by volume, though not height or width in the whole world.

The innards of a Sequoia.

Are you guys coming?

Lichen, meet Miken, while he's hikin'

We look like we like each other.

So big!  Mommy's shoes are So ugly!

Reading about Schist and Quartzite on the way to the cave.

Which cave did we go to?

Arrr!  Mateys!  Ready to go into the cave.

The happy couple while we were still young and...happy.

Sometimes I can't remember if I'm camping, spelunking, or posing for an Abercrombie catalog.

Caves, water...I think they have something to do with each other.

Bear in the road!  Bear in the road!

Don't drive through this unless you are in a compact car manufactured before 1991.

Obligatory looking up into branches of tree from below photo.

A Sequoia pine cone.  They sure are tiny.

A Sequoia seed.  I already feel like the Once-ler.

Our last hike, just beautiful.  I don't even have anything snarky to say.

Deer butt sighting!

Someday we will go to Yosemite and also Redwood National Park, home of the tall, skinny trees.  This was a truly unforgettable park and a great camping/hiking experience.

Sunday, May 30, 2010

The scenic Mojave Desert

In May of 2010, we drove the the Mojave Desert and stayed at the Needles KOA.  Greg joined us for this trip.

Actually, this photo was not taken in the sixties, but in 2010.

 Our first stop was Mitchell Caverns, a series of limestone caves located in the Mojave Desert.  Fun Stuff.



Exiting the cave, we took a look around at some of the desert life.  Mostly cacti.


Desert flora.

Desert fauna.

On our way home, we made a stop at Joshua Tree National Park.   Most people know this already, but I'll tell you anyway - Joshua trees aren't really trees, they are actually a type of yucca plant.

And here are the Joshua Trees.