Friday, June 24, 2011

Move to Aurora, IL from Burbank, CA

On June 20, 2011, Mike, Sarah, Josephine, and the two-month-old twins embarked on a Journey across the western United States.  This was a permanent move from Los Angeles to Chicago.  The dogs were shipped ahead earlier via air cargo.
The trip was such a blur, I couldn't even say where we stayed each night.  It was such a battle to get sleep at night and stay awake during the day...we didn't have much time for sight seeing.  All we have are these few photos taken in the camper - possibly all from the same campground.

Where did I put my lost neurons again?  Guess I'll never get those back...

We wake up every two hours!  Yay!

But we are so cute!  Yay!

Shampoo...soap...what are these foreign things?

The babies' camping beds...

The Great Outdoors.

And Mike's butt

"I don't wake up every 2 hours but I'm tired too..."