Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Our new camp grill

Here is our new grill:

Yes I admit this post is lame but I'm testing Blogpress!Camp grill
- Posted using BlogPress from
my iPhone

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Outdoor Adventures

This is where we went camping from May 18, 2012 to May 20, 2012. The campground is Outdoor Adventures Lake Shore in Davison, MI
We also made a stop at the Michigan Maritime Museumin South Haven, MI. There, we learned about the War of 1812, and a little bit about what the life of a fisherman was like in the 1940's.
We were joined by Steve Pruss for part of the trip and camped in our 2007 Viking epic 1706 trailer!
Here are the photos from the trip.

I feel that no caption is really neccesary here.

Peekaboo, Sailor man!

This is a lot like what Fort Detroit looked like in the 1800s.

It's...my ship in a box!

Three armpits.

Ada, left.  Josephine, right.

Looking down on the Coast Gaurd exhibit.

Josephine at our campsite.

Our campsite.  Notice pack n play and Steve Pruss's head on the left side of the photo.

She even signed herself in!