Sunday, July 22, 2012

McCormick's Creek State Park

The Pruss and Pinnick families joined together for a short, weekend trip to McCormick's Creek State Park in Spencer, IN from July 20-22, 2012.
McCormick's Creek was named after homesteader John McCormick, who obtained the land in 1816.  The park is known for its tranquil and restful scenery, where visitors can lose themselves (if you are Hamlet and Sarah, quite literally) on the long and beautiful hiking trails that the park has to offer.

Hiking to the falls with dogs in tow.

 We arrived late on a Friday night and were greeted by a couple of very generous park rangers and a few Pruss's and Pinnick's waving flashlights.

We did a lot of hiking.

Our campsite, #56, was terrible.  If anyone reads this blog and is considering a trip to this park, avoid that particular site like the plague, Rinderpest, Dengue fever, and Malaria carrying mosquitoes.  The entire site was inclined so severely that we needed to borrow additional blocks from a family member because the rear stabilizers couldn't touch the ground.  The power hookup was on the same side as the picnic table, and, in hindsight, we should have just faced the camper the other direction and used an extension cord to go underneath the trailer.
We brought Hamlet with us for the trip, and managed to avoid major dog-nature, dog-camper, dog on dog mishaps which was great!  He slept for 4 days straight after we got home.

These prices will probably seem hilarious in 2035

 Josephine and Anna went on a pony ride.  Charlotte opted out citing the pony's mild left forelimb lameness and a suspicious lack of girth-tightness as her reasons... (or she was just scared and I completely misinterpreted the meaning of "No horsie")

Josephine pictured on "Freckles" who would have been named "Distended Abdomen" if he had been named for his body shape instead of his coat characteristics.

 Mike and Sarah went on a 45 minute kid-free horseback ride through the park while Kate and James went for a dog-hike.  Mary and Steve were kind enough to watch ALL the kids in our trailer while the couples had some down time.  Here's something John McCormick forgot to mention:  the park is much more tranquil when there aren't any kids around.
Oh yeah, and...

Who could forget the token "Lichen on tree with family member walking, out of focus, in the background" photo?  Not me.

We may not get a chance to go back to McCormick's Creek for a long time, but I would highly recommend it to those of you who didn't realize that Indiana had trees that weren't serving as windbreaks for cattle, hogs, or cornfields.