Sunday, July 28, 2013

Covert KOA / Gus Macker South Haven, MI

The 2013 Silk on Butter Gusmacker Reunion Tour

South Haven, MI
July 26-28, 2013
The team, before the first game, I believe?  They don't look demoralized yet, anyway...

Yep didn't actually have a basketball, there.  Just for fun.

A romantic walk down the pier

This look is called "Lighthouse sexy"

Taking a long walk down a long pier is infinitely more dry than taking a long walk off a ... well, you know.

Nothing that I love more after a nice run on the beach than picking blueberries with which I can stuff my face at breakfast the following day.  Actually, these fresh blueberries made some KILLER blueberry pancakes that only Brian and I would eat...

The original JUDGEMENT FIRE (TM) at which you will be JUDGED*

Look at those sopping wet fools.

Only Brian manages to look demoralized in this photo.

Tweet, tweet, tweet, little birds.  Tweet out all your feelings...
Besides, the true spirit of camping is doing what you want to do while you are relaxing and not working, right?  Not "getting away from technology."  That's just a silly notion, especially when AT&T has the best nationwide coverage of any cellular carrier...

The JUDGEMENT FIRE(TM) blazes on...

*In the form of malicious tweets.