Sunday, April 21, 2013

Jellystone Park Chicago

We opened the camping season quite close to home this year! The park, Jellystone Park Chicago, was located in Millbrook, IL, just 30 minutes from home.

Despite below freezing temperatures at night, we snuggled together for warmth and had a great time.

Good thing our camper has:

We selected a spot close to home and flushed the antifreeze out of the tanks. Unfortunately, there were two casualties over the winter... Mom found them in the tub... Ewwww

After cleaning the tub, we ordered a new part for the toilet...

The RV park featured a play set for big kids and for little kids and Ada learned the word "Slide!" Corie sat on Daddy's lap feeling cranky (not a huge fan of the low temperature). Josephine played mini golf with Dad, and we took a nighttime stargazing walk as a family. Those events aren't pictured, unfortunately.

There was a very exciting tree stump:

We call it "The Giving Tree."

As always, the three larger Prusses had a marshmallow roasting campfire for S'mores.

While Mom and Dad were prepping the camper for travel and packing up, the kids engaged in some sporting events.

Though the trip was fun, we were all pretty sleepy and ready to go home on Sunday. Some of us have a harder time "hacking it."

We can't wait to get out there again!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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