Thursday, May 29, 2014

Peninsula State Park, Wisconsin
Door County
May 29-31, 2014

Have never suffered from so many mosquito bites in my life.  I don't have a picture of it, but this was the place that Mike was swarmed the second he stepped out of the truck to fill the freshwater tank.  And jumped back in the truck screaming for mosquito repellent.

This is the face of a puffy person who has suffered far too many mosquito bites

Took pictures of every single campground map, but failed to notate which loop and site we actually stayed in.

Unless it's the one with my finger pointing to it... that is possible.

We had dinner and took family selfies.

We met up with the Bilottes at this campground, they were tenting, and I think only stayed one night.

We played at a playground...

Adults, too.

We walked down to the lake/boat launch ramp...

This looks beautiful, but remember we were getting eaten TO DEATH by mosquitoes.
Seriously, just enjoy the photo and the blood we donated to get it.

At this point we were dying from blood loss.  I seriously don't even remember taking this photo.

The following morning the Dads and Josephine and Oliver did some fishing.

I love fishing, I just absolutely love it and everything about it.

I went for a run on State Park Roads and realized I had no service and no songs on my phone.  This was a time in my running career that I was very dependent on music for motivation.  So I came back.

And the twins and I hung out in the relative comfort of the camper.

Then we headed out for some shopping and sight seeing.

How much for the one that I will be selling at a garage sale in 9 months?
We found some souvenirs.

We had "lunch."

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