Sunday, May 4, 2014

Starved Rock State Park, Utica, IL
May 3-4, 2014

Normal people go to dinner and a movie on date night.  Mike and I went to... camp for one night at a state park.

Falling asleep on the way to our cousin's house.  Corie was ready for action with this glove on.

Setting up a campsite without kids around is one of the most silent and efficient things I have ever been a part of.  And I've assisted with vascular surgeries...

A helfie...  Just checkin' the braid since camping= no mirrors.

Staring at Mike across the fire.  We have already run out of things to talk about.  And that is good.

Bet you can't tell that's a selfie - Rats!  I just gave it away!

We're so... love.

Really colorful eroded sandstone with all sorts of gorgeous pigments.  This looked to us like clay deposited by the creek bed.  But we aren't geologists.  Although I think Mike might have majored in Geology for a semester... or was that Geography?  Oh well, same difference.

Just enjoying the silence...
Thinking about Nutty Bars...
And Geography...

Another view of this little creek


Anyone who is wondering if they will have cellular coverage at the "Eagle Cliff Overlook:" There is your answer.

Avoid site 27 LIKE THE PLAGUE!!!*  

*Unless you like thinking that you'll have power and then realizing that you won't.  If that's the way you roll - site 27 has your name all over it.  Oh, and a picnic table.  If you expect to have a picnic table, you may want to consider other sites.  But if you like sitting in a chair and eating food with your fingers as you drip all over your jeans - this site is the yin to your yang!

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